Elder Griffith
Elder Griffith
You are hereby
WOW!!   The time has finally come and I
will soon be off to serve the Lord Full time.
  I have wanted to serve a mission for
about as long as I can remember and this
past September my Dream came true!!
I got my mission call from a true and living
Prophet of God.
I know the Lord has called me to serve in
South africa for a divine reason and I will
work my hardest to accomplish that task.
I know that through following the commandments
and by strict obedience to the mission rules
I will be able to Greatly assist in bringing to
pass the work of the Lord Jesus Christ
here on the earth!
A little about my mission:
The South Africa Johannesburg Mission
covers the northern half of South
Africa, and also the entire countries
of Lesotho, Botswana, and Mozambique.
All of my mission is English speaking
Except for Mozambique which
is Portuguese speaking
The Weather in South Africa is
some of the finest in the world.
The summers are warm but not
extreme in most places.
Heavy summer showers are
common in South Africa, and
The winters have cool nights
You can write me at:
Elder Stetson Griffith
South Africa Johannesburg Mission
P.O. Box 30150
Salt Lake City, Utah 84130-0150
↑This address is for LETTERS ONLY↑